Jan 2004 - May 2004 (page 2 of 6)
My day starts out with a little jogging...
... followed by a drive to breakfast.
Kiss Papa goodbye on his way to work.
If I'm at my grandparents', I'll feed the dog.
I'll usually take some time to write to my loyal fans.
Here I'm putting together some Valentine's cards.
By then it's usually time to break for lunch.
Someone's gotta keep this old house clean.
I'll stop by and visit some of the girls in my life. They love the attention...
Then I gotta take care of business, make sure everything's going well in the construction of our new house.
It's a big responsibility, building a new house, but I think I got them all on the right track.
Then it's time for a good dinner meal with all the trimmings.
And then I'll finish off the day by hanging out with my dad's car buddies.