June 2004 - Dec 2004 (page 1 of 6)

Welcome back to my exciting site! Boy has a LOT happened since last time!

For starters, I gave them permission to build a new house.

Once we moved into the new house and did a lot of fun things.

Dad decided to let me try my hand at driving... he looks a little worried.

I got to do LOTS of fun stuff... I'm so multi-talented.

It ain't easy being a superstar.

But it's not all fun and games... I have a secret identity.

And with this secret identity comes great responsibility!

With this secret identity comes great strength.

Here are some members of my crime-fighting team...

To mislead my enemies, I even have an army of kids named Victor running around. Here's one of

Sometimes even a superhero gets tired.

Never too tired to wish Dad a happy Birthday.

Every superhero needs a supervehicle.