December 2005 - February 2006 (page 1 of 5)

The best part of Christmas... all the goodies we bake!

I think it's safe to say I like chocolate.

I'm getting used to having to clean myself up after a good chocolate ice cream!

My little brother appears amused by my baking skills.

This time of year is also when the parties begin!

That gives me a chance to hang out with some friends... some nice girls...

...hang out with some friends... some nice girls...etc.

Sometimes I get to watch my dad at work, that's my uncle standing beside us.

I get to go to all those parties and see my cousins.

By the way, I like video games...

...I REALLY like video games...

...and did I mention I REALLY REALLY REALLY like video games?

All that party stuff can really tire me out!